Neural Net closely built off of Dave Miller's implementation url: https://www.millermattson.com/dave/ ; Uses code closely built off of Lazy Foo' Productions' tutorial for rendering using SDL url: https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/

Primary LanguageC++


Neural Net closely built off of Dave Miller's implementation url: https://www.millermattson.com/dave/
Also uses code built off of Lazy Foo' Productions' tutorial for rendering using SDL url: https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/
rendering code is a bit mangled, but it gets the job done.

To run, requires:

  • ISO C++20 Standard
  • SDL2.0 package

To configure neural net and drawing:
Preprocessor definitions declared at the top of the main file (i.e., the NN.cpp file), change these values to obtain differnt networks.
Network training constants:

  • DATA_SET_SIZE: Corresponds to the size of the data set the network trains on. Data type = size_t.
  • DISPLAY_FACTOR: Tells the program to display a test run on the network every (DATA_SET_SIZE / DISPLAY_FACTOR) many iterations since the last display. Data type = size_t.
  • USE_SAVED_DATA: Tells the network to run on prebuilt data, a causing the network to be trained the exact same every time it is run with this set tot true (note: this option will override all other values set for training). Data type = bool.
  • LEAKY: Tells the network to use a leaky ReLU as it's activation function if set to true, otherwise the network will use a hyperbolic tangent activation function. Data type = bool
  • OPERATOR: Choice between AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, and NXOR. Tells the network what operator to train to be by changing the built data set. Data type = enum boolOperator.
  • TOPOLOGY: Tells the neural network what layers are desired from it. Ex: "1 9 9 3" corresponds to a network with an input layer with 1 input neuron, a hidden layer fully connected to the input layer with 9 neaurons, another hidden layer fully connected to the previous hidden layer with 9 neurons, and an output layer fully connected to the previous layer with 3 output neurons. Data type = string, format = "i s1 s2 s3... sn o", data type for values i, s1, s2, s3,... sn, o = size_t.

Network drawing constants:

  • NEURON_WIDTH: Indicates the width to draw neurons with. Data type = size_t.
  • NEURON_HEIGHT: Indicates the height to draw neurons with. Data type = size_t.