
Common gulp template gor web development

Primary LanguageCSS

Materials from here:	http://webdesign-master.ru/blog/tools/2016-03-09-gulp-beginners.html
Working on Windows

Very useful and simple web pack. Consist of:

- gulp
- sass (for compile sass, scss files)
- browserSync (reload any browser after changing any hcc, html, js files in project)
- concat (for concatenating files)
- uglify (for compressing JS)
- cssnano (for minification CSS)
- rename (for renaming files)
- del (for deleting files and folders)
- imagemin (for working wit pictures)
- pngquant (... and png files too)
- cache (for caching in pictures compression proccess)
- autoprefixer (for automating add browsers prefixes)
- smartgrid (grid on flexbox)
- gcmq (for grouping media queries in case smartgrid using)
- cleanCSS (minification and compressing CSS files, with large of options)

1. Download repository (git clone).
2. 'npm i' - to install all dependencies.
3. Change project information in package.json.
4. Install gulp and bower with global key:
	'npm i gulp -g', 'npm i bower -g'

Or do it by yourself:
1. Initialize project and install npm packages global:
	'npm init', 'npm i gulp -g', 'npm i bower -g'

2. Make necessery directories structure:
	Make directory App, Dist 'mkdir app dist'
	Make necessary directories in App 'mkdir css fonts img js libs sass'
	Make empty file and type in cmd	'type nul>index.html'

3. Install npm packages in project local
  'npm i gulp --save-dev'
  'npm i gulp-sass --save-dev'
  'npm i browser-sync --save-dev'
  'npm i --save-dev gulp-concat gulp-uglifyjs'
  'npm i gulp-cssnano gulp-rename --save-dev'
  'npm i del --save-dev'
  'npm i gulp-imagemin imagemin-pngquant --save-dev'
  'npm i gulp-cache --save-dev'
  'npm i --save-dev gulp-autoprefixer'

4. If you need install additional packs:
npm i smart-grid gulp-group-css-media-queries gulp-clean-css --save-dev

5. And write tasks using exemple (or copy it)

Additional information:

- About common structure of tasks writing:
gulp.task('mytask', function () {
  return gulp.src('source-files') // Selecting of source files for plugin processing
    .pipe(plugin()) // Call Gulp files for plugin processing
    .pipe(gulp.dest('folder')) // Outputting the resulting file to the destination folder (dest - destination)

- About selecting files:
*.sass - Selects all files that have a specific extension (in this case, .sass) in the project's root folder.
**/*.js - Selects all files with the .js extension in all project folders.
!header.sass - Exclude file from the general sample
*.+(scss|sass) - Specifies a complex template for several file types, separated by a vertical bar. In this example, any sass and scss files in the project root will be included in the sample.

Details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)

- About repository:

Specify the place where your code lives. This is helpful for people who want to contribute. If the git repo is on GitHub, then the npm docs command will be able to find you.

Do it like this:

  "repository" :
    { "type" : "git"
    , "url" : "https://github.com/npm/npm.git"

  "repository" :
    { "type" : "svn"
    , "url" : "https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/"
The URL should be a publicly available (perhaps read-only) url that can be handed directly to a VCS program without any modification. It should not be a url to an html project page that you put in your browser. It's for computers.

For GitHub, GitHub gist, Bitbucket, or GitLab repositories you can use the same shortcut syntax you use for npm install:

  "repository": "npm/npm"
  "repository": "gist:11081aaa281"
  "repository": "bitbucket:example/repo"
  "repository": "gitlab:another/repo"

This block should be placed before devDependencies in package.json

Details: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json