RSSchool Node.js task 1

CLI Cipher tool

To run the application, enter the node index.js command in the command line with the followed options.

-c, --config: config option which describes order and direction of ciphers. Config is a string with pattern {XY(-)}n, where:

X is a cipher mark:

     C is for Caesar cipher (with shift 1)

     A is for Atbash cipher
     R is for ROT-8 cipher

Y is flag of encoding or decoding

(mandatory for Caesar cipher and ROT-8 cipher and should not be passed Atbash cipher)

     1 is for encoding

     0 is for decoding
-i, --input: String with path to input file
-o, --output: String with path to output file
For example, command with config "C1-C1-R0-A" executes ciphers in such order "encode by Caesar cipher => encode by Caesar cipher => decode by ROT-8 => use Atbash"