
Links to VeteranSec Resources

Title Description Link Slackbot
GitHub Repo VeteranSec GitHub Repositories https://github.com/VeteranSec?tab=repositories !repo
Slack Admins List VetSec Slack Admins/Mods - !admins, !mods
Org Leadership List VetSec Board/Leadership - !board, !leadership
Donations VeteranSec Patreon https://www.patreon.com/vetsec !donate
VetSec Store VeteranSec Branded Apparel https://vetsec.qbstores.com !store
Ideas Member Idea Submission Form https://ideas.veteransec.org !idea, !ideas
Idea Submissions List of all idea submissions https://ideasubmissions.veteransec.org ideasubmissions, !ideasubmissions
Emergency Alert board members and Director of Mental Health in Slack of an emergency - !911, !999, !112, !988
D20 Roll a D20 - d20, roll for initiative
Code of Conduct Show the Slack Code of Conduct https://coc.veteransec.org !coc, Code of Conduct
Salaries Anonymous salary entry form https://salaryform.veteransec.org !salaryform, salaryform
Salary Responses Show all submitted salary responses https://salaryresponses.veteransec.org !salaries, !salaryresponses
eLearnSecurity Discount Code Form to request the VetSec eLearnSecurity discount code https://elearn.veteransec.org !elearnsecurity, !elearn
D6 Roll a 6-sided die - d6
VeteranSec Website VeteranSec Member Blog https://veteransec.com/ !blog
LinkedIn VeteranSec LinkedIn Page https://linkedin.com/company/veteransec !linkedin
Twitter VeteranSec Twitter Account https://twitter.com/VeteranSec !twitter
Mental Health A list of Mental Health resources/links/phone numbers https://mentalhealth.veteransec.org !mentalhealth
Resources This table of resources https://github.com/VetSec/vetsec_links/tree/master !resources