This module provides low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka as well as high-level consumer and producer classes. Request batching is supported by the protocol as well as broker-aware request routing. Gzip and Snappy compression is also supported for message sets.
Coordinated Consumer Group support is under development - see Issue #38.
Full documentation available on Read the Docs
On Freenode IRC at #kafka-python, as well as #apache-kafka
For general discussion of kafka-client design and implementation (not python specific), see!forum/kafka-clients
For information about Apache Kafka generally, see
Apache License, v2.0. See LICENSE Copyright 2015, David Arthur, Dana Powers, and Contributors (See AUTHORS
The current stable version of this package is 0.9.5 and is compatible with:
Kafka broker versions
- 0.8.1
- 0.8.0
Python versions
- 3.5 (tested on 3.5.0)
- 3.4 (tested on 3.4.2)
- 3.3 (tested on 3.3.5)
- 2.7 (tested on 2.7.9)
- 2.6 (tested on 2.6.9)
- pypy (tested on pypy 2.5.0 / python 2.7.8)