This repository contains code and pointers to data to enable you to re-create the results from Knowledge Graph Identification experiments in our papers. Since this project is under active development, we've created a separate git branch for each paper to provide the code associated with the experiments. Furthermore, since the datasets we use can be large, we'll provide a link to a tarball with the data we use for the experiment.
Below is a list of papers and the associated git branch to checkout for the experiments.
###branch: iswc13
Jay Pujara, Hui Miao, Lise Getoor, William Cohen. "Knowledge Graph Identification." In International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2013.
###branch: akbc13
Jay Pujara, Hui Miao, Lise Getoor, William Cohen. "Ontology-Aware Partitioning for Knowledge Graph Identification." submission to CIKM Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC), 2013.