
Extension Pack For New veterans learning Javascript at Vets Who Code

Vets Who Code Extension Pack

Our Mission to Simplify Learning

At the core of our educational philosophy is a commitment to continuously streamline and enhance the learning experience for our students, especially in the realm of coding. We recognize that the initial steps into coding can be daunting, and access to the right tools is critical for fostering a conducive learning environment.

Streamlining Tool Accessibility

In pursuit of this, our approach goes beyond merely providing a list of recommended plugins. We're dedicated to constructing a dynamic, evolving plugin ecosystem. This initiative is not just about simplifying access; it's about crafting a comprehensive toolkit that grows in tandem with our educational content, ensuring our students are not just prepared but are also equipped with the latest in technological advancements.

Our Educational Ethos

Embodying the spirit of a master educator, we emphasize the significance of making the learning curve as approachable as possible. Our goal is not just to teach but to accelerate the journey from novice to adept. By reducing the barriers to entry and smoothing out the learning pathway, we aim to empower our students to achieve proficiency more rapidly and with a deeper understanding.

In essence, our mission is to equip our students with the keys to unlock their full potential, turning the intricate maze of coding education into a straight path forward.

Extensions included in the VetsWhoCode Pack:

- Alphabetical Sorter
- Axe Accessibility Linter
- Bookmarks
- CodeSnap
- CSS Peek
- DotENV
- Drawio
- ESLint
- Git Blame
- Git Lens
- JavaScript Booster
- Live Server
- Markdown All in One
- Prettier
- Quokka
- React-VSCode-extension-pack
- Remote - WSL
- Sort JSON objects
- Thunder Client
- VSCode Dash
- VS Code Postman
- Live Share Extension Pack
- GitHub Copilot
- Debugger for Chrome
- Auto Rename Tag
- ES7 React/JS Snippets
- REST Client
- Peacock
- Markdown Mermaid
- Docker
- GitHub Pull Requests and Issues


If you think there should be something added lets start a github discussion about it and if you appreciate things like this being built for our veterans don't hesitate to sponsor us on github.