GDIPlusX is a set of Visual FoxPro 9.0 class libraries that wrap the 603 GDI{"+"} Flat API functions of GDIPlus.dll.
The library currently consist of 64 VFP wrapper classes and 47 enumeration classes with over 1,500 properties and methods.
The object model of these classes closely emulates the classes contained in the System.Drawing namespace of Visual Studio .NET. This not only makes the library easier to use, but also allows VFP developers to tap into thousands of GDI+ code samples, written in .NET, that can be easily translated to VFP code. The library currently includes over 90% of the functionality included in the following namespaces of .NET:
- System.Drawing
- System.Drawing.Drawing2D
- System.Drawing.Imaging
- System.Drawing.Text
- BinaryBo Project Manager
- CraigSBoyd
- VFPImaging
- AlanStevens
If you would like to be involved in the project, please contact the project manager.