Aleo prover guide


Please use this scrpt to start node

wget -q -O && chmod +x && sudo /bin/bash

Useful commands:

Check your acoount and save keys: cat $HOME/aleo/account_new.txt

Check your private key grep "prover" /etc/systemd/system/aleo-prover.service | awk '{print $5}'

Check prover logs journalctl -u aleo-prover -f -o cat

Check aleo client logs journalctl -u aleo-client -f -o cat

Stop and restart prover systemctl stop aleo-prover systemctl restart aleo-client

Delete Aleo and SnarkOS wget -q -O && chmod +x && sudo /bin/bash

System requirments:

CPU 16 cores (32 preferred) RAM 16GB (32 preferred) SSD 128GB OSUbuntu 20.04 recommended

Aleo Smart contract deployment guide

Download required packages and create a tmux session

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential gcc xz-utils git curl vim tmux ntp jq llvm ufw -y && \
tmux new -s deploy

Add your wallet and private key as a variable. 

echo Enter your Private Key: && read PK && \
echo Enter your View Key: && read VK && \
echo Enter your Address: && read ADDRESS

Compleate next steps

echo Private Key: $PK && \
echo View Key: $VK && \
echo Address: $ADDRESS

Generate a tweet with your wallet to get tokens

echo "$ADDRESS"

You need to past the output of the command above into your browser, publish a tweet and wait for the response form a bot.

Install Aleo

cd $HOME
git clone --depth 1
cd snarkOS
bash ./
source $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.cargo/env
cd $HOME
git clone
cd leo
cargo install --path .

Deploy contract

echo Enter the Name of your contract "(any)": && read NAME
cd $HOME && mkdir leo_deploy && cd leo_deploy
leo new $NAME

In the command below past the link which you got from a bot on Twitter

echo Paste the link: && read QUOTE_LINK && \
CIPHERTEXT=$(curl -s $QUOTE_LINK | jq -r '.execution.transitions[0].outputs[0].value')
RECORD=$(snarkos developer decrypt --ciphertext $CIPHERTEXT --view-key $VK)
snarkos developer deploy "$NAME.aleo" \
--private-key "$PK" \
--query "" \
--path "$HOME/leo_deploy/$NAME/build/" \
--broadcast "" \
--fee 600000 \
--record "$RECORD"