
Hubot adapter for Mattermost using Web API and Websockets

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Hubot Adapter for Mattermost using the Web API and Websockets.


Use this Hubot Adapter to connect to your Mattermost server. You can invite your bot to any channel just as a regular user. It will listen and perform your commands. The adapter uses mattermost-client for all low level Mattermost communication.


Creating a bot from scratch is easy:

npm install -g yo generator-hubot
yo hubot --adapter matteruser

Follow the instructions to set up your bot.

Environment variables

The adapter requires the following environment variables to be defined before your Hubot instance will start:

Variable Required Description
MATTERMOST_HOST Yes The Mattermost host e.g. mm.yourcompany.com
MATTERMOST_GROUP Yes The team/group on your Mattermost server e.g. core
MATTERMOST_USER Yes The Mattermost user account name e.g. hubot@yourcompany.com
MATTERMOST_PASSWORD Yes The password of the user e.g. s3cr3tP@ssw0rd!
MATTERMOST_WSS_PORT No Overrides the default port 443 for websocket (wss://) connections
MATTERMOST_HTTP_PORT No Overrides the default port (80 or 443) for http:// or https:// connections
MATTERMOST_TLS_VERIFY No (default: true) set to 'false' to allow connections when certs can not be verified (ex: self-signed, internal CA, ... - MITM risks)
MATTERMOST_USE_TLS No (default: true) set to 'false' to switch to http/ws protocols
MATTERMOST_LOG_LEVEL No (default: info) set log level (also: debug, ...)

Example configuration

The below example assumes you have created a user hubot@yourcompany.com with username hubot and password s3cr3tP@ssw0rd! on your Mattermost server in the core team reachable on URL https://mm.yourcompany.com/core

export MATTERMOST_HOST=mm.yourcompany.com 
export MATTERMOST_USER=hubot@yourcompany.com
export MATTERMOST_PASSWORD=s3cr3tP@ssw0rd!

Example usage

For a complete working application that uses this client checkout the Hubot Mattermost adapter

Mattermost 3.3

Recently Mattermost has received a major upgrade that introduces backwards incompatible changes. Since hubot-matteruser is using user credentials for interacting with the Mattermost API this will break your Hubot if you upgrade your Mattermost server without also upgrading the mattermost-client version it uses.

Upgrading your Hubot for Mattermost 3.3

Find the package.json file in your Hubot directory and look for the line in the dependencies section that references hubot-matteruser. Change the verion so it points to ^3.3.0 of the client. Example:

  "dependencies": {
    "hubot-matteruser": "^3.3.1"


The MIT License. See LICENSE file.