A superlight HTTP fileserver with customizable behavior.
go install github.com/ViBiOh/viws/cmd/viws@latest
Light version (without GZIP and Open Telemetry) is also available, for a smaller binary.
go install github.com/ViBiOh/viws/cmd/viws-light@latest
- Full TLS support
- GZIP Compression
- Open Telemetry observability
- Read-only container
- Serve static content, with Single Page App handling
- Serve environment variables for easier-config
- Configurable logger with JSON support
This mode is useful when you have a router in your javascript framework (e.g. Angular/React/Vue). When a request target a not found file, it returns the index instead of 404. This option also deactivates cache for the index in order to make work the cache-buster for javascript/style files.
curl myWebsite.com/users/vibioh/
=> /index.html
GET /health
: healthcheck of server, always respondokStatus (default 204)
GET /ready
: checks external dependencies availability and then respondokStatus (default 204)
when close signal is receivedGET /version
: value ofVERSION
environment variableGET /env
: values of specified environments variables
Environment variables are exposed as JSON from a single and easy to remember endpoint: /env
. You have full control of exposed variables by declaring them on the CLI.
This feature is useful for Single Page Application, you first request /env
in order to know the API_URL
and then proceed. You reuse the same artifact between pre-production
and production
, only variables change, in respect of 12factor app
API_URL=https://api.vibioh.fr vibioh/viws --env API_URL
> curl http://localhost:1080/env
// index.js
const response = await fetch("/env");
const config = await response.json();
ReactDOM.render(<App config={config} />, document.getElementById("root"));
By default, server is listening on the 1080
port and serve content for GET requests from the /www/
directory. It assumes that HTTPS is done, somewhere between browser and server (e.g. CloudFlare, ReverseProxy, Traefik, ...) so it sets HSTS flag by default.
The application can be configured by passing CLI args described below or their equivalent as environment variable. CLI values take precedence over environments variables.
Be careful when using the CLI values, if someone list the processes on the system, they will appear in plain-text. Pass secrets by environment variables: it's less easily visible.
Usage of viws:
--address string [server] Listen address ${VIWS_ADDRESS}
--cert string [server] Certificate file ${VIWS_CERT}
--corsCredentials [cors] Access-Control-Allow-Credentials ${VIWS_CORS_CREDENTIALS} (default false)
--corsExpose string [cors] Access-Control-Expose-Headers ${VIWS_CORS_EXPOSE}
--corsHeaders string [cors] Access-Control-Allow-Headers ${VIWS_CORS_HEADERS} (default "Content-Type")
--corsMethods string [cors] Access-Control-Allow-Methods ${VIWS_CORS_METHODS} (default "GET")
--corsOrigin string [cors] Access-Control-Allow-Origin ${VIWS_CORS_ORIGIN} (default "*")
--csp string [owasp] Content-Security-Policy ${VIWS_CSP} (default "default-src 'self'; base-uri 'self'")
--directory string [viws] Directory to serve ${VIWS_DIRECTORY} (default "/www/")
--env string slice [env] Environments key variable to expose ${VIWS_ENV}, as a string slice, environment variable separated by ","
--frameOptions string [owasp] X-Frame-Options ${VIWS_FRAME_OPTIONS} (default "deny")
--graceDuration duration [http] Grace duration when signal received ${VIWS_GRACE_DURATION} (default 30s)
--gzip [gzip] Enable gzip compression ${VIWS_GZIP} (default true)
--header string slice [viws] Custom header e.g. content-language:fr ${VIWS_HEADER}, as a string slice, environment variable separated by ","
--hsts [owasp] Indicate Strict Transport Security ${VIWS_HSTS} (default true)
--idleTimeout duration [server] Idle Timeout ${VIWS_IDLE_TIMEOUT} (default 2m0s)
--key string [server] Key file ${VIWS_KEY}
--loggerJson [logger] Log format as JSON ${VIWS_LOGGER_JSON} (default false)
--loggerLevel string [logger] Logger level ${VIWS_LOGGER_LEVEL} (default "INFO")
--loggerLevelKey string [logger] Key for level in JSON ${VIWS_LOGGER_LEVEL_KEY} (default "level")
--loggerMessageKey string [logger] Key for message in JSON ${VIWS_LOGGER_MESSAGE_KEY} (default "msg")
--loggerTimeKey string [logger] Key for timestamp in JSON ${VIWS_LOGGER_TIME_KEY} (default "time")
--name string [server] Name ${VIWS_NAME} (default "http")
--okStatus int [http] Healthy HTTP Status code ${VIWS_OK_STATUS} (default 204)
--port uint [server] Listen port (0 to disable) ${VIWS_PORT} (default 1080)
--pprofAgent string [pprof] URL of the Datadog Trace Agent (e.g. http://datadog.observability:8126) ${VIWS_PPROF_AGENT}
--pprofPort int [pprof] Port of the HTTP server (0 to disable) ${VIWS_PPROF_PORT} (default 0)
--readTimeout duration [server] Read Timeout ${VIWS_READ_TIMEOUT} (default 5s)
--shutdownTimeout duration [server] Shutdown Timeout ${VIWS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT} (default 10s)
--spa [viws] Indicate Single Page Application mode ${VIWS_SPA} (default false)
--telemetryRate string [telemetry] OpenTelemetry sample rate, 'always', 'never' or a float value ${VIWS_TELEMETRY_RATE} (default "always")
--telemetryURL string [telemetry] OpenTelemetry gRPC endpoint (e.g. otel-exporter:4317) ${VIWS_TELEMETRY_URL}
--telemetryUint64 [telemetry] Change OpenTelemetry Trace ID format to an unsigned int 64 ${VIWS_TELEMETRY_UINT64} (default true)
--url string [alcotest] URL to check ${VIWS_URL}
--userAgent string [alcotest] User-Agent for check ${VIWS_USER_AGENT} (default "Alcotest")
--writeTimeout duration [server] Write Timeout ${VIWS_WRITE_TIMEOUT} (default 10s)
docker run -d --name website \
-p 1080:1080/tcp \
-v "$(pwd):/www/:ro" \
We recommend using a Dockerfile to ship your files inside it.
FROM vibioh/viws
ENV VERSION 1.2.3-1234abcd
COPY dist/ /www/
Image with tag :light
is also available.
FROM vibioh/viws:light
ENV VERSION 1.0.0-1234abcd
COPY dist/ /www/
make go