
Please install mmdet to run the demo.

HandsomeFYM opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I got the following problem when I run the

/home/fan/workspace/ViTPose/ViTPose/venv/bin/python /home/fan/workspace/ViTPose/ViTPose/demo/
apex is not installed
apex is not installed
apex is not installed
/home/fan/workspace/ViTPose/ViTPose/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mmcv/cnn/bricks/ UserWarning: Fail to import MultiScaleDeformableAttention from mmcv.ops.multi_scale_deform_attn, You should install mmcv-full if you need this module.
warnings.warn('Fail to import MultiScaleDeformableAttention from '
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fan/workspace/ViTPose/ViTPose/demo/", line 585, in
File "/home/fan/workspace/ViTPose/ViTPose/demo/", line 500, in main
assert has_mmdet, 'Please install mmdet to run the demo.'
AssertionError: Please install mmdet to run the demo.

However, no matter whether I installed the mmdet 2.28.2 or 3.1.0, it doesn't work.
Does anyone have the same problem as me?

Hi, I was having the same issue.
Your mmdet version is probably too high.
I managed to run with mmdet 2.19.0 and mmcv-full 1.5.0