build model from zero

Primary LanguagePython


Build a neural network from zero

neural(h1,h2, o) matrix

   x1 x2 h1 h2  o  

x1 0  0  w1 w3  0  

x2 0  0  w2 w4  0  

h1 0  0  b1 0   w5  

h2 0  0  0  b2  w6  

o  0  0  0  0   b3  

#end of matrix  (b1 b2 b3 means bias of the neuro)

backpro algorithm



Build a neural network from zero

git clone https://github.com/Vialiceq/AI-PYTHON.git

then input in command line:

python neural-from-zero.py

Explore the pytorch Convolution Neural Network(CNN) ---- CIFAR10 dataset.

git clone https://github.com/Vialiceq/AI-PYTHON.git

then input in command line (Windows 10) :

cd pytorch

python test.py

you can train the model or modify the model by using google corlab :https://colab.research.google.com