
Configuration files for My Linux Setups and more.

Primary LanguageShell

My Configurations and Customisations


  1. Configuration Files
  2. [List of Custom Tweaks]
  3. [Browser Plugin Backups]
  4. [Fonts]
  5. [Icons]

Configuration Files

The configuration files for applications (not colour theme related) that I configured myself.

  1. Git Configuration Files

Browser Plugin Backups

The configuration file backups for browser-specific plugins and features.

  1. Bookmarks - 1 | 2
  2. uBlock Configuration
  3. Tabliss Configuration
  4. Dark Reader Backup
  5. Stylus Configuration


  • [Atkinson Hyperlegible]
  • [Avenir]
  • [DejaVuSans Mono NF]
  • [FiraSans]
  • [FiraCode NF]
  • [Hack NF]
  • [iA-Writer NF]
  • [InconsolataGo NF]
  • [Inter]
  • [JetBrainsMono NF]
  • [Karla]
  • [MonoLisa]
  • [Mononoki]
  • [ReadexPro]

Plasma Plugins

  • Compact Pager
  • Configurable Button
  • Focus
  • MediaController Plus
  • Panon
  • Resources Monitor Fork
  • Win7 Show Desktop




  1. Plasma Colour Scheme - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  2. Plasma Desktop Themes - 1 | 2
  3. Plasma Splash Screen = 1
  4. GTK Theme - 😺 | 📫 1, 2 | 🦷
  5. GRUB Theme - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  6. SDDM Theme - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  7. Splash Screen -
  8. KSyntaxHighlighting - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷


  1. Tauon Music Box - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  2. Sublime Text -
  3. qBittorrent -


  1. Firefox - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  2. Chromium - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷

Terminal Tools

  1. Konsole -
  2. Yakuake Skins - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷
  3. fish -
  4. micro-editor -
  5. bat -
  6. btop -
  7. starship - 😺 | 📫 | 🦷

List of Custom Tweaks

The various necessary tweaks and changes made to complete the system.

General Stuff
  1. Apply your configs

  2. Copying the user GTK configuration to root so that root apps run with proper theme -
    cp -r /home/$USER/.config/gtk-3.0/* /root/.config/gtk-3.0

  3. Fixing Touchpad scroll in Firefox Flatpak
    sudo flatpak override --env="MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1" org.mozilla.firefox

  4. Enhance font rendering & this

  5. Install - lf audacious bat bleachbit btrfs-progs chrony cowsay distrobox eza fetchmsttfonts firewalld fish fortune fzf ghostwriter git glibc google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts haruna htop indic-fonts inkscape java-17-openjdk java-17-openjdk-devel kcharselect kdeconnect kdenlive kfind kolourpaint krita mariadb micro-editor mirrorsorcerer mlocate mokutil neofetch nodejs-default nvme-cli openssh opi os-prober powerline qbittorrent rpm rpmorphan scrcpy shim speedtest-cli starship tealdeer touchegg ubuntu-fonts unrar urw-base35-fonts yakuake zoxide paglinawan-quicksand-fonts papirus-icon-theme papirus-folders

  6. GRUB Parameters - quiet splash=silent resume=/dev/disk/by-uuid/012ff73e-14e4-4deb-a6f3-b0045c132d55 security=apparmor loglevel=3 zswap.enabled=1 zswap.max_pool_percent=25

  7. Set swappiness to 21

  8. 'Allow' KDE Connect through the firewall (check the OpenSUSE wiki for instructions).

KDE Stuff
  1. Change KDE Task Switcher
  2. Switch desktop activation delay - 500 to 650
  3. Blur - 10, Noise - 8
  4. Install Klassy Window Decoration Github
  5. Disable Baloo Indexer
openSUSE Stuff
  1. Remove & Lock - PackageKit patterns-desktop-imaging patterns-games-games patterns-gnome-gnome_games patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging patterns-gnome-gnome_internet patterns-gnome-gnome_office patterns-kde-kde_games patterns-kde-kde_imaging patterns-kde-kde_internet patterns-kde-kde_office patterns-kde-kde_pim patterns-kde-kde_utilities patterns-office-office skanlite tigervnc tlp xscreensaver

  2. Fixing pixelated font rendering in Firefox flatpak (in openSUSE)

    1. sudo zypper remove xorg-x11-fonts xorg-x11-fonts-legacy
    2. mkdir -p ~/.var/app/one.ablaze.floorp/config/fontconfig/conf.d
      cp /etc/fonts/conf.d/*.conf ~/.var/app/one.ablaze.floorp/config/fontconfig/conf.d/
    3. More info - flatpak/flatpak#4571 (comment)
  3. Improve openSUSE auth - 1 & 2

  4. usermod -a -G wheel terraz