
This Power BI Dashboard project delivers vital insights from an NGO's yearly report, assessing community well-being and resilience in Cambodia from 2014 to 2019.

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🇰🇭 Cambodia Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Dashboard 📊


This repository hosts a comprehensive Power BI dashboard designed to provide stakeholders with in-depth insights into community well-being and resilience in Cambodia. Leveraging data from 2014 to 2019, this dashboard is a multi-level analysis tool that examines vulnerability and resilience dynamics at the national, province, commune, and even village levels, offering a comprehensive understanding of Cambodia's social and environmental landscape.

Data Source:

The data used for this project was sourced from the Cambodia National Committee for Sustainable Development (NCSD) Data Portal. This dataset is the foundation for the entire project analysis, providing reliable and comprehensive information for assessing vulnerability indices across Cambodia. Available Here: (NSCD) Data Portal

Key Features:

  • 📈 Interactive Visualizations: Dive deep into the data with interactive charts, maps, and graphs highlighting vulnerability indices at various levels.
  • 🔍 Dynamic Filters: Customize your analysis by province, commune, village, year, and vulnerability index to uncover localized trends and patterns.
  • 📅 Data Span and Granularity: Explore trends from 2014 to 2019 and drill down to the village level for a granular understanding of vulnerability dynamics.
  • 💡 Insights for Action: Analyze high-risk areas and trends, enabling stakeholders to formulate targeted solutions and recommendations for community resilience and sustainable development.

Initiatives Tracked:

At the heart of this dashboard lies the meticulous tracking of Cambodia's Vulnerability Index. This index, comprised of four key components: Storm, Flood, Drought, and Composite, reflects the complex interplay of environmental, social, and economic factors affecting community resilience. By analyzing these indices at multiple levels, stakeholders can gain insights into localized vulnerabilities and devise targeted interventions to strengthen community resilience across Cambodia.

Vulnerability Index Components:

  • Storm Index: Measures the susceptibility of Cambodian communities to storm-related events, such as cyclones and typhoons.
  • Flood Index: Tracks the vulnerability of areas in Cambodia to flooding incidents, which can have devastating effects on infrastructure and livelihoods.
  • Drought Index: Evaluates the risk and impact of drought conditions on local populations, including agricultural productivity and water availability.
  • Composite Index: A comprehensive index specific to Cambodia, integrating multiple factors to assess overall vulnerability.

Purpose and Impact:

The dashboard serves as a beacon of knowledge and insight for stakeholders ranging from policymakers and government agencies to NGOs and researchers in Cambodia. By providing a detailed analysis at multiple levels (national, province, commune, and village), decision-makers can better understand vulnerabilities and effectively tailor interventions to support vulnerable communities. Moreover, by empowering communities with localized data, the dashboard fosters community-driven resilience-building efforts, ensuring sustainable development outcomes.

Access Visualizations:

View full interactive visualizations: 🇰🇭 Cambodia Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Dashboard

Province Level Vulnerable Index - Map


Visualizes Cambodia's natural hazard vulnerabilities (floods, storms, droughts, etc.) at the provincial level. Spans 2014-2019 for year-to-year comparisons. Provinces color-coded for quick vulnerability assessment (from "High" to "Least"). Provides numerical ranges for each vulnerability level. Users can customize by selecting years and hazard types. Switch between Khmer and English visualizations.

% Vulnerable Communes - Province


Two sections categorize the vulnerability level into 'Highly vulnerable' and 'Quite vulnerable.' Line charts for each category display trends for natural hazards, represented by three distinct colors. A general decrease in vulnerability percentages from 2014 to 2019 is shown for each hazard type. An accompanying table enumerates provinces, providing a reference for geographical data points used in the analysis.

% Vulnerable Communes - Year


The upper chart is labeled "Highly Vulnerable" and the lower chart "Quite vulnerable." Each bar represents a different year, as the legend indicates, from 2014 to 2019. The bars are grouped by province and color-coded to reflect three types of natural hazards. The charts enable comparison across provinces and over time, highlighting the distribution and changes in vulnerability levels.

# Vulnerable Communes - Year


Rows are split between "Highly Vulnerable" and "Quite Vulnerable" classifications for each hazard type. Provinces are ranked within each hazard category, with their respective ranks in parentheses. The table allows for quick identification of the most vulnerable provinces for each type of climate hazard within the selected year.

Commune Level Vulnerable Index - Map


Visualizes Cambodia's natural hazard vulnerabilities (floods, storms, droughts, etc.) at the Commune level. Spans 2014-2019 for year-to-year comparisons. Provinces color-coded for quick vulnerability assessment (from "High" to "Least"). Provides numerical ranges for each vulnerability level. Users can customize by selecting years and hazard types.

Commune Level Vulnerable Index - List


Rows are listed by communes within various districts of the province. Columns provide indices and ranks for different types of vulnerabilities: Storm VI, Flood VI, Drought VI, and Composite VI. Each commune has corresponding index values and ranks, indicating its relative vulnerability to each hazard type. The table serves as a comprehensive tool for analyzing the vulnerability of individual communes across multiple hazard types.

Household Affected Vulnerable Index - Map


A geographical representation of the impact levels on households across various provinces, measured by a general Composite Vulnerability Index. The intensity of the blue color across the map indicates relative levels of household affectation, with a range of shades suggesting different degrees of vulnerability. This serves as an analytical tool to visually assess and compare the distribution of vulnerability impact on households in different areas.

# Family Affected - Year / Province


A line graph tracking the number of families per 1000 affected by three events, Storm, Flood, and Drought, from 2014 to 2019. Each event type is represented by a different color-coded line, with markers indicating data points for each year. The graph depicts a distinct peak in one event type, suggesting a significant increase in affected families in a particular year. The visualization allows for analyzing trends in the impact of different natural events on families across various provinces over the given years.

# Family Affected - Province (Bar Chart)


A bar chart showing the number of families affected by various natural disasters across multiple provinces. Each province is represented on the x-axis, with the y-axis quantifying the number of families affected. The chart allows for a visual comparison of the impact Across provinces, highlighting those with the most affected families for each event type. This visualization provides a clear comparison of regional impacts without specifying the nature of the events.

[%,#] Vulnerable Commune - Province (List)(Pie)(Line)


A table lists provinces by code and name, with corresponding percentages of areas classified as 'High', 'Quite', 'Less', and 'Least' vulnerable. The percentages are visually represented by color-coded bars, facilitating a quick assessment of the vulnerability levels in each province. A pie chart highlights the vulnerability distribution for a selected province, Banteay Meanchey, with segments for 'High', 'Quite', and 'Less+Least' vulnerability. This integrated visualization allows for snapshot and temporal vulnerability analysis across different regions.

Next Steps and Future Directions:

As we continue to evolve this dashboard, our focus remains on driving positive change and supporting sustainable development efforts in Cambodia. Here are some critical areas of focus for future enhancements:

  • 🤝 Enhanced Community Engagement: Foster greater community involvement and empowerment by incorporating feedback mechanisms and participatory approaches into the dashboard.
  • 🌐 Integration with External Datasets: Expand the scope of the dashboard by integrating external datasets on socio-economic indicators, climate data, and infrastructure development to provide a more comprehensive understanding of vulnerability and resilience factors at all levels.
  • 🔮 Predictive Analytics: Develop predictive models to forecast future vulnerability scenarios based on historical data, enabling proactive risk management and adaptation planning.

We invite you to explore this dashboard and engage with the data to gain valuable insights into Cambodian communities' vulnerability and resilience dynamics at the national, province, commune, and village levels. Together, let's work towards Cambodia's more resilient and sustainable future.

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