
a new kernel of page-monitor https://github.com/fouber/page-monitor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

a new kernel of page-monitor


var pdiff = require('page-diff');



generate dom tree snapshot, run at webpage.

var pdiff = require('page-diff');
var options = { /* see below */ };
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open(url, function(){
    var tree = page.evaluate(pdiff.walk, options);


  • root

    • desc: selector of root element
    • type: String
    • default: body
  • invisibleElements

    • desc: invisible elements tag name

    • type: Array

    • default:

          "applet", "area", "audio", "base", "basefont",
          "bdi", "bdo", "big", "br", "center", "colgroup",
          "datalist", "form", "frameset", "head", "link",
          "map", "meta", "noframes", "noscript", "optgroup",
          "option", "param", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "script",
          "source", "style", "title", "track", "xmp"
  • ignoreChildrenElements

    • desc: ignore childnodes elements tag name

    • type: Array

    • default:

          "img", "canvas", "input", "textarea", "audio",
          "video", "hr", "embed", "object", "progress",
          "select", "table"
  • styleFilters

    • desc: the style properties which are invisible

    • type: Array

    • default:

          "margin-left", "margin-top", "margin-right", "margin-bottom",
          "border-left-color", "border-left-style", "border-left-width",
          "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width",
          "border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width",
          "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width",
          "border-top-left-radius", "border-top-right-radius",
          "border-bottom-left-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius",
          "padding-left", "padding-top", "padding-right", "padding-bottom",
          "background-color", "background-image", "background-repeat",
          "background-size", "background-position",
          "list-style-image", "list-style-position", "list-style-type",
          "outline-color", "outline-style", "outline-width",
          "font-size", "font-family", "font-weight", "font-style", "line-height",
          "box-shadow", "clear", "color", "display", "float", "opacity", "text-align",
          "text-decoration", "text-indent", "text-shadow", "vertical-align", "visibility",
  • attributeFilters

    • desc: the attributes of element which make an unique identification

    • type: Array

    • default:

      [ 'id', 'class' ]
  • excludeSelectors

    • desc: the selectors of exclude elements
    • type: Array|String
    • default: []
  • ignoreTextSelectors

    • desc: the selectors of elements whose text changes be ignored
    • type: Array|String
    • default: []
  • ignoreStyleSelectors

    • desc: the selectors of elements whose style changes be ignored
    • type: Array|String
    • default: []

pdiff.diff(left, right, opt)

calc the difference between two versions of walk results

var pdiff = require('page-diff');
var options = { /* see below */ };
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open(url1, function(){
    var left = page.evaluate(pdiff.walk, walkOpt);
    page.open(url2, function(){
        var right = page.evaluate(pdiff.walk, walkOpt);
        var ret = pdiff.diff(left, right, diffOpt);


  • priority
    • desc: the logic of LCS,head or tail
    • type: String
    • default: head

pdiff.highlight(options, callback)

highlight the diff

var pdiff = require('page-diff');
var options = { /* see below */ };
var webpage = require('webpage');
var page = webpage.create();
page.open(url1, function(){
    var left = page.evaluate(pdiff.walk, walkOpt);
    page.open(url2, function(){
        var right = page.evaluate(pdiff.walk, walkOpt);
        var ret = pdiff.diff(left, right, diffOpt);
        var hlOpt = {
            diff: ret,
            left: {
                rect: left.rect,
                title: 'old version',
                screenshot: '<full_path>/left.png'
            right: {
                rect: right.rect,
                title: 'new version',
                screenshot: '<full_path>/right.png'
            page: webpage.create()
        pdiff.highlight(hlOpt, function(err, page){
                console.log('[ERROR] ' + err);
            } else {


  • diff

    • desc: diff result from pdiff.diff()
    • type: Array
    • required: YES
  • left

    • desc: left screenshot info
    • type: Object
    • required: YES
    • data
      • title: String screenshot title
      • rect: Array tree.rect property
      • screenshot: String screenshot url or path
  • right

    • desc: right screenshot info
    • type: Object
    • required: YES
    • data
      • title: String screenshot title
      • rect: Array tree.rect property
      • screenshot: String screenshot url or path
  • page

    • desc: webpage object
    • type: Webpage (phantomjs)
    • default: null
  • settings:

    • desc: page.settings, see here

    • type: Object

    • default:

          "resourceTimeout": 20000
  • style

    • desc: highlight style

    • type: Object

    • default:

          add: {
              title: "新增(Added)",
              backgroundColor: "rgba(127, 255, 127, 0.3)",
              borderColor: "#090",
              color: "#060",
              textShadow: "0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)"
          remove: {
              title: "删除(Removed)",
              backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
              borderColor: "#999",
              color: "#fff"
          style: {
              title: "样式(Style)",
              backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)",
              borderColor: "#f00",
              color: "#f00"
          text: {
              title: "文本(Text)",
              backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)",
              borderColor: "#f90",
              color: "#c30"