Hair Salon

C# exercise By Victoria O., Epicodus - September 21, 2018


Hair Salon is a web app for a hair salon. The owner should be able to add a list of the stylists, and for each stylist, add clients who see that stylist. The stylists work independently, so each client only belongs to a single stylist.

This is an exercise to apply and test our understanding of C# unit week 3 lessons. Primary Objectives:

  • Do the database table and column names follow both the specific requirements for this project and general .NET naming conventions?
  • Are the instructions for re-creating your database thorough and clear?
  • Is there a one-to-many relationship set up correctly in the database?
  • Is CREATE functionality included for one class and is CREATE and VIEW functionality included for the other class?
  • Have all of the standards from previous weeks been met?
  • Does the project demonstrate understanding of this week's concepts? If prompted, are you able to discuss your code with an instructor using correct terminology?


  1. A salon employee is able to see a list of all stylists at the salon.

    • inputs: "Panatda", "John"
    • output: "Panatda, John" (in list format)
  2. A salon employee is able to select a stylist, see their details, and see a list of all clients that belong to that stylist.

  • input: "Panatda"
  • output: "Panatda" and her client list
  1. A salon employee is able to add a new stylist to their employee list.
  • input: "John"
  • output: "Panatda, John"
  1. A salon employee is able to add new clients to a specific stylist - a client cannot be added if no stylists have been added.
  • input: "Victoria"
  • output: if no stylist: false; if a stylist is chosen, "Victoria" will be visible on a stylist's client list (see spec 2).

Known Bugs & Issues

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Clone this repository by using Terminal command:
    $ git clone
  1. Create the database:

Support and contact details

Contact: Victoria,

Technologies Used

  • C#, ASP.NET Core 1.1
  • phpMyAdmin

Copyright (c) 2018 Victoria Oh, Epicodus