
Epicodus - independent project #8

Primary LanguageC#

Hair Salon

C# exercise By Victoria O., Epicodus - September 21, 2018


Hair Salon is a web app for a hair salon. The owner should be able to add a list of the stylists, and for each stylist, add clients who see that stylist. The stylists work independently, so each client only belongs to a single stylist.

This is an exercise to apply and test our understanding of C# unit week 3 lessons. Primary Objectives:

  • Do the database table and column names follow both the specific requirements for this project and general .NET naming conventions?
  • Are the instructions for re-creating your database thorough and clear?
  • Is there a one-to-many relationship set up correctly in the database?
  • Is CRUD functionality implemented for BOTH Client and Stylist classes? Including: Create, Read (all and singular) Update and Delete (all and singular).
  • Can the user create a new instance of the Specialty class and view all instances of the Specialty class?
  • Can the user view both sides of the many-many relationship between Stylist and Specialty: For a particular instance of a class, can you view all of the instances of the other class that are related to it? And vice versa?
  • Is the many-to-many relationship set up correctly in the database?
  • Does the project demonstrate understanding of this week's concepts? If prompted, are you able to discuss your code with an instructor using correct terminology?


  • As a salon employee, I need to be able to see a list of all our stylists.
  • As an employee, I need to add new stylists to our system when they are hired.
  • As an employee, I need to be able to add new clients to a specific stylist. I should not be able to add a client if no stylists have been added.
  • And here are the user stories that the salon owner would like you to add:
  • As an employee, I need to be able to delete stylists (all and single).
  • As an employee, I need to be able to delete clients (all and single).
  • As an employee, I need to be able to view clients (all and single).
  • As an employee, I need to be able to edit JUST the name of a stylist. (You can choose to allow employees to edit additional properties but it is not required.)
  • As an employee, I need to be able to edit ALL of the information for a client.
  • As an employee, I need to be able to add a specialty and view all specialties that have been added.
  • As an employee, I need to be able to add a specialty to a stylist.
  • As an employee, I need to be able to click on a specialty and see all of the stylists that have that specialty.
  • As an employee, I need to see the stylist's specialties on the stylist's details page.
  • As an employee, I need to be able to add a stylist to a specialty.

Known Bugs & Issues

User interface is not stylized as much as it could be.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Clone this repository by using Terminal command:
    $ git clone https://github.com/VicOhPNW/HairSalon2.Solution
    via the terminal, enter the program (HairSalon) directory and _dotnet restore_ & _dotnet build_
    Lastly, run _dotnet run_ and terminal should provide the folloing url: http://localhost:5000. Open this in a browser.
  1. Create the database using MySQL and follow these SQL commands:
1. > CREATE DATABASE victoria_oh;
2. > USE victoria_oh
3. Build the following tables:
> CREATE TABLE clients (id serial PRIMARY KEY, client_name VARCHAR(255), stylist_id INT(11));
> CREATE TABLE stylists (id serial PRIMARY KEY, stylist_name VARCHAR(255));
> CREATE TABLE specialties (id serial PRIMARY KEY, service VARCHAR(255));
> CREATE TABLE stylists_specialties (id serial PRIMARY KEY, stylist_id INT(11), specialty_id INT(11));
  1. Build a test database - we'll do this in phpMyAdmin:
1. From the MAMP application, select Open WebStart page and from the Tools menu, select phpMyAdmin.
2. On the left sidebar of the phpMyAdmin screen, select the victoria_oh database and a new screen will appear. This view shows us the tables we created above.
3. Select Operations from the tabs at the top of the screen.
4. In the box labelled Copy database to: enter the name of our new database (victoria_oh_test).
Choose the "structure only" radio button, and select the boxes for CREATE DATABASE before copying and Add AUTO_INCREMENT value.
5. Click Go and you'll see a new database has appeared in the sidebar called victoria_oh_test.
We should now see this database back the MySQL shell when you run > SHOW DATABASES;

Support and contact details

Contact: Victoria, ohvictori@gmail.com

Technologies Used

  • C#, ASP.NET Core 1.1
  • phpMyAdmin
  • MSTest
  • HTML

Copyright (c) 2018 Victoria Oh, Epicodus