
Group-week exercise, Chan Lee, Hyewon Cho, Ryan Lee, Victoria O., Epicodus - November 8, 2018


PuffChat is a clean and simple chatroom service.


User Stories
User can register an authenticated account.
User can log-in with email and passowrd.
User can create and update a display name.
User can send and receive timestamped messages and images.
Program has a library of emoticons.

Setup/Installation Requirements

It's best to setup the server-side of this program first. You can find that here (puff-chat-server).

  1. Clone this repository by using Terminal command:
    $ git clone https://github.com/hyewon92cho/puff-chat-client.git
  1. Then, within the project folder, run the following commands:
    $ npm install
    $ ng serve -o (this will direct to http://localhost:4200/)

Further help/support and contact details

  1. To get more help on the Angular CLI:

  2. Express information and documentation can be found at exressjs.com.

  3. Socket.io information and documentation can be found at socket.io.

Your feedback helps us grow! Please share any suggestions or feedback to __________________

Known Bugs & Issues


Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • TypeScript
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • Socket.io
  • Angular
  • Material.io
  • CSS

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.0.3.

Copyright (c) 2018 Chan Lee, Hyewon Cho, Ryan Lee, Victoria O., Epicodus