
Epicodus Javascript Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Space Age Calculator

JavaScript exercise By Victoria O., Epicodus - October 12, 2018


A solar year lasts 365 days on planet Earth. However, the length of a solar year varies from planet to planet. For instance, a solar year on Mercury lasts 88 days. Space Age Calculator is an application that determines a user’s age based on a planet’s solar years.

This is an exercise to apply and test our understanding of JavaScript unit week 1 lessons. Primary Objectives:

  • Specs were committed before any code.
  • Business logic is thoroughly tested with Jasmine.
  • Karma is set up correctly.
  • Project utilizes ES6 features including classes, let and const.
  • Dependencies are managed with npm.
  • Application uses webpack to lint, bundle, and process code.
  • Project is in a polished, portfolio-quality state. (Clear code presentation, error free, complete README, commit history, etc.)
  • Required functionality was in place by the Friday deadline.
  • Project demonstrates understanding of week's concepts. If prompted, you are able to discuss your code with an instructor using correct terminology.


  • Returns their age in Mercury years. (A Mercury year is .24 Earth years.)
  • Returns their age in Venus years. (A Venus year is .62 Earth years.)
  • Returns their age in Mars years. (A Mars year is 1.88 Earth years.)
  • Returns their age in Jupiter years. (A Jupiter year is 11.86 Earth years.)
  • Determines how many years a user has left to live on each planet… (yikes!) To do this, the application will have to calculate the user’s life expectancy. You can determine average life expectancy as you see fit. A simple way to do this would be to have the user input the average life expectancy for their demographic. A more involved way to do this would be to collect other information from the user (e.g. lifestyle, country of residence, activity level, etc.) to determine their life expectancy.
  • If a user has already surpassed the average life expectancy, return the number of years they have lived past the life expectancy.

Known Bugs & Issues


Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Clone this repository by using Terminal command:
    $ git clone https://github.com/VicOhPNW/space-age-calculator.git
    run npm install

Support and contact details

Contact: Victoria, ohvictori@gmail.com

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • Jasmine
  • Karma

Copyright (c) 2018 Victoria Oh, Epicodus