A simple ToDo App written using React Components
Build using the React tutorial for beginners by Ibas Majid, available Here
- Javascript
- React Library
The App, at this stage, contains five components:
- TodoContainer. It is a class-based component that is responsible for holding the state of the application and contains the Header, InputTodo and the TodoList components. As it is the owner of the state, it is responsible for sending this information to the TodoList Component. It is also responsible of receiving the updated information from the InputTodo (to add a new todo), from the TodoList (to update the completed status or deleting a todo) and update the state.
- InputTodo. A class-based component responsible for receiving the input from the user and notifying its parent about this information.
- Header. A functional component that contains the App's title.
- TodoList. A class-based component that hold the list of todos. It up-lift the events coming from the todos to its parent Component.
- TodoItem. A class-based component responsible for showing the todo and responding to the user interaction.
To get a local copy follow these simple example steps.
1.- Open the terminal window and clone the repository using this command:
git clone git@github.com:VicPeralta/react-todo-app.git
2.- Change the directory to the math-magicians directory
cd react-todo-app
3.- Install the project's dependencies by running this command:
npm install
4.- Generate the dist folder using this command:
npm run build
5.- Run this command to see the page npm start
6.- To see the code open the project in the code editor of your preference.
👤 Ibas Majid
- Twitter: @ibaslogic
👤 Victor Peralta
- GitHub: @VicPeralta
- Twitter: @VicPeralta
- Linkedin: @VicPeralta
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- A special thank for @fernandorpm for this amazing README template
This project is MIT licensed.