Official implementation for "Adaptive Recurrent Frame Prediction with Learnable Motion Vectors" [SIGGRAPH Asia 2023]

Primary LanguagePython

Adaptive Recurrent Frame Prediction with Learnable Motion Vectors [SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023 Conference Paper]

This is offical repository for our paper, Adaptive Recurrent Frame Prediction with Learnable Motion Vectors
Authors: Zhizhen Wu, Chenyu Zuo, Yuchi Huo, Yazhen Yuan, Yinfan Peng, Guiyang Pu, Rui Wang and Hujun Bao.
in SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Proceedings


Abstract: The utilization of dedicated ray tracing graphics cards has revolutionized the production of stunning visual effects in real-time rendering. However, the demand for high frame rates and high resolutions remains a challenge. The pixel warping approach is a crucial technique for increasing frame rate and resolution by exploiting the spatio-temporal coherence. To this end, existing superresolution and frame prediction methods rely heavily on motion vectors from rendering engine pipelines to track object movements. This work builds upon state-of-the-art heuristic approaches by exploring a novel adaptive recurrent frame prediction framework that integrates learnable motion vectors. Our framework supports the prediction of transparency, particles, and texture animations, with improved motion vectors that capture shading, reflections, and occlusions, in addition to geometry movements. In addition, we introduce a feature streaming neural network, dubbed FSNet, that allows for the adaptive prediction of one or multiple sequential frames. Extensive experiments against state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that FSNet can operate at lower latency with significant visual enhancements and can upscale frame rates by at least two times. This approach offers a flexible pipeline to improve the rendering frame rates of various graphics applications and devices.


  1. Make a directory for workspace and clone the repository:
mkdir fsnet-lmv; cd fsnet-lmv
git clone https://github.com/VicRanger/FSNet-LMV code
cd code
  1. Install conda env: scripts/create_env.sh in Linux or scripts/create_env.bat in Windows

Dataset Generation

Export Buffers from UE4

Corresbonding cpp code can be found in scripts/ue4_source_code/.

  1. Copy the .h and .cpp files into the source directory of the UE4 project, and then recompile the project.
  2. Upon succesful compilation, there will be a new C++ Class in the Content Browser. This class functions as a placable Actor. To begin using the capture functionality, place the CaptureManager into scene, configure it and then you are ready to begin exporting the render buffer.

Exported File Structure from UE4

|-- BaseColor
| |-- frame_0.EXR
| |-- frame_1.EXR
| |-- ...
| |-- frame_10.EXR
| |-- frame_11.EXR
| |-- ...
| |-- frame_100.EXR
| |-- frame_101.EXR
| |-- ...
|-- MetallicRoughnessSpecular
|-- NoVSTAlpha
|-- SceneColorNoST
|-- SkyboxMask
|-- SkyColor
|-- VelocityDepth
|-- WorldNormal 

Compress Raw Files into NPZ Files

Setup configs

Edit the dataset_export_job.yaml configuration file located at config/includes/.
Within this file, configure the following paths:

  • Set the import_path parameter to specify the directory containing the source EXR files exported from Unreal Engine.
  • Set the export_path parameter to define where the processed NPZ datasets to be saved.
  • Populate the scene array item to specify the name of the scene directory containing the source images.

Run the script

python src/test/test_export_buffer.py --config config/export/export_st.yaml

Addtional options

In the config/export/export_st.yaml file:

num_thread: 8: The num_thread setting specifies the number of threads used for parallel export. Setting this to 0 disables multiprocessing.

overwrite: true: Set this to false to resume an export rather than overwrite existing files.


Training from Scratch

Requirements: exported npz files, and a yaml file.

Run the script with --train:

python src/test/test_trainer.py --config config/shadenet_v5d4.yaml --train

Configuration options

  • initial_inference: false: The initial_inference can be set to false to skip an initial dummy inference, used for timing.
  • dataset.path: "/path/to/export_data/": The dataset.path setting specifies the path to the exported NumPy data files, which should end with a trailing slash "/".

Resume the Previous Training

Requirements: generated training result in a standardized directory structure, e.g.

job_name (e.g., shadenet_v5d4_FC)/
|-- time_stamp(e.g., 2024-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS)
| |-- log (logs in text format)
| |-- model (the models' pt of the best and the newest)
| |-- writer (logs in tensorboard format)
| |-- checkpoint (the last checkpoint)
| |-- history_checkpoints (all history checkpoints)

Run the script with --train --resume:

python src/test/test_trainer.py --config config/shadenet_v5d4.yaml --train --resume

As long as parent directory path job_name/time_stamp is valid and the directory checkpoint exists, the training will restart from the last saved checkpoint.


Requirements: generated training result.

run the script with --test:

python src/test/test_trainer.py --config config/shadenet_v5d4.yaml --test

Testing with pretrained model

Requirements: the .pt file containing dict_state of model (can be found in model inside training result directory). The checkpoints are not required.

Run the script with --test plus --test_only:

python src/test/test_trainer.py --config config/shadenet_v5d4.yaml --test --test_only


Requirements: the .pt model file, (can be found in model inside training result directory).

  • Place .pt file in output/checkpoints/
  • Set pre_model: "../output/checkpoints/model.pt" in the yaml.
  • Then run the script
python src/test/test_inference.py


A dataset sample (16 frames) for inference

dataset sample (Onedrive) (211MB)

Pretrained network weights

checkpoints (Onedrive) (8MB)


An example output for frame #0005 using the provided dataset and pretrained model: result (These resources are specific to the FutureCity scene and can be used for evaluating the pretrained model.)


Thank you for being interested in our paper.
If you find our paper helpful or use our work in your research, please cite:

author = {Wu, Zhizhen and Zuo, Chenyu and Huo, Yuchi and Yuan, Yazhen and Peng, Yifan and Pu, Guiyang and Wang, Rui and Bao, Hujun},
title = {Adaptive Recurrent Frame Prediction with Learnable Motion Vectors},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400703157},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3610548.3618211},
doi = {10.1145/3610548.3618211},
booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers},
articleno = {10},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Frame Extrapolation, Real-time Rendering, Spatial-temporal},
location = {, Sydney, NSW, Australia, },
series = {SA '23}


:) If you have any questions or suggestions about this repo, please feel free to contact me (jsnwu99@gmail.com).