
Primary LanguageGo

VSino Games Proof of Concept

Welcome to the VSino Games repository. This repository contains the simplified implementation of the "probably fair" system as a proof of concept (PoC) for a gambling game system. It includes basic game mechanics for roulette and coin flip games.

Project Overview

This project was created months ago as a proof of concept for another project. The current implementation serves to demonstrate the fundamental mechanics behind a fairness system in online gambling games.


This code is a simplified version of a "probably fair" system. It has known weaknesses and should not be used in production environments. The current approach has several limitations:

  • The server seed generation is simplistic and only hashed once, which might be vulnerable to predictability in a real-world scenario.
  • A more robust implementation would involve hashing the server seed multiple times and potentially using a more secure algorithm to generate the server seed.

Blockchain Integration

For an even better approach, integrating blockchain technology can enhance the transparency and security of the system. Blockchain can be used to:

  • Immutable Record: Store game results and seeds on a blockchain, ensuring they cannot be altered once written.
  • Transparency: Allow players to verify the integrity of each game round independently by checking the blockchain.
  • Decentralization: Remove the need for a trusted third party by having the game logic executed through smart contracts.

Implementing blockchain could involve creating smart contracts that handle the logic for generating and storing seeds, game outcomes, and bets directly on the blockchain. This approach would significantly increase trust among players by making the process verifiable and transparent.

Included Games

  • Coin Flip: A simple game where a coin is flipped to return either "Heads" or "Tails".
  • Roulette: A basic implementation of the roulette game where the result is determined by a hashed seed.

Getting Started

To run these games on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/VicSobDev/VSino
  2. Navigate into the project directory:
    cd VSino
  3. To run the games, execute:
    go run main.go