Project Requirements: - java version: 1.8.0_92; you can check your java version using "java -version" command in your commandLine - Roboto font: you will find it in ../src/Resources/Font - jfoenix: you will find it in ..src/Library - JavaFx Scene Builder: to Open Different FXML file in a GUI form, you will find it on the Oracle's website About the project: This project has been developed using Intellij Idea version 2016.2; it's a software that will help students to perform some algorithms studied in the course Digital Image Processing. To open it with other IDE such as netbeans or Eclipse: - Create a new project in your respective IDE - Replace the src folder by the one in this project - set all the jar file present in the ..src/Library folder as libraries of your project About the Structure of the project: - src/Control package: where you will find all java class related to the back-end - src/Model package: where you will find all java class entities used to implement this project - src/View: where you will find all the FXML files used for the front-end NB: .JavaFX has been used to develop the front-end. You can have some filePath error due to way your IDE handle path produce by javaFX Scene builder .It is preferable to use Intellij Idea to avoid those Errors; You can find a free version(Community version) of the IDE on Jetbrain's website To run the project, go in the folder ..src/Main and execute the main method inside the file or use the command "java Main" in your commandLine while been placed in the directory of ..src/Main