
For my research project, I work to mine and analyse interesting data from TravisTorrent data set (data from GitHub and Travis CI).

Mining Software Repository challenge (2017)

This repositories is about my work for this challenge: http://2017.msrconf.org/#/challenge The goal is to find interesting questions about software repository mining and analyse a dataset from Travis CI and GitHub (TravisTorrent) to answer these questions.

#Data set

The challenge is on TravisTorrent, a freely available data set synthesized from Travis CI and GitHub. TravisTorrent provides easy access to hundreds of thousands of analyzed builds from more than 1,000 projects. Unique to TravisTorrent is that each of its 2,640,825 Travis builds is synthesized with meta data from Travis CI's API, the results of analyzing its textual build log, a link to the GitHub commit which triggered the build, and dynamically aggregated project data from the time of commit extracted through GHTorrent. Data set link: https://travistorrent.testroots.org


Creators of TravisTorrent: Beller M, Gousios G, Zaidman A. (2017) TravisTorrent: Synthesizing Travis CI and GitHub for Full-Stack Research on Continuous Integration.
The research paper: http://www.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/~mbeller/publications/2016_beller_gousios_zaidman_travistorrent_synthesizing_travis_ci_and_github_for_full-stack_research_on_continuous_integration.pdf