Testing and Pull Requests

  1. Create a team of 3 members working at different locations (Bangkok, Chiangmai, and Puket).
  2. One team members creates a Github project and pushes source code from the ZIP file given in class.
    • Give other team member read/write access!
    • Write the Github URL in the Google spreadsheet.
    • Other team members clone the repo.
  3. Other team members clone the repo.
  4. Each team member works on one class and the corresponding test class.
    • Classes are ArrayMath, Statistics, and StringUtil in src/ folder.
    • Decide among yourselves who works on which branch.
    • Using tasks on Github may help.
  5. Each team member creates a dev branch for his work: dev-arraymath, dev-statistics, dev-string-util.
  6. Do the work on your branch.
    • Find bugs
    • Improve the code
    • write more test cases.
    • Test, test, test.
    • Push your branch to Github.
  7. Create a Pull Request for others to review your work.
  8. Other team members review work, make comments, post issues.
    • You need to clone the other person's branch to your local repo.
    • Make comments
    • Post issues if you find problems
  9. When everyone agrees on branch code, team member should merge his "dev":
    • update his copy of master branch
    • merge his dev into master
    • push master to Github