
Serverless Web Application on AWS for YouTube

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Web Application on AWS

Project Name: Serverless Web Application on AWS

Project Description:

In this project, you will build a serverless web application using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3. The application will allow users to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) items from a DynamoDB table.

Project Architecture:

Serverless Web Application on AWS Architecture

Steps to Build the Project:

  • Create a DynamoDB table to store the items. \
  • Build a Lambda function to handle the CRUD operations on the DynamoDB table. \
  • Use S3 to store and host the web application's static files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). \
  • Create a CloudFront distribution to serve the S3-hosted static files with low latency. \

Expected Outcome:

Upon completing the project, you will have a working serverless web application hosted on AWS.
You will have hands-on experience building a serverless application using AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, CloudFront.
Additionally, you will have experience working with AWS services and integrating them to build a complete solution.

This project will help you improve your skills in cloud computing, serverless architecture, and AWS services.

Link to the documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FKIs7_yF0D98dHC1D-_pE494EiNF5xhP3s7YCRzw3B8/edit?usp=sharing.

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