A Social Media Whats up Clone Where You Can Communicate with People and you can also make group with your friends. Built Using MERN Stack
Real-Time-Chat-App Clone is Replica of one of the biggest social media platform Whats-up , in my version of whats-up you can do everything from signing up to talking to friends updating profile photo , many more such features all built solely by me .
Currently This Project is Not Deployed Due To No Good Service For Deploying Backend But Will be deploying it in near future .
- email :- vicky@gmail.com
- password :- vicky
- Signup / Login
- Search User Functionality
- Communicate with friends Real-Time Implemented With Socket.IO
- Create Group / Update group Name / Add Members / Remove Members
- Chat With Anyone in Real-Time Implemented With Socket.IO
- Get Notification From Sender
- Get Guest user credential for talking.
- Many More Features In Way ......
Client: React , Chakra UI , Socket-IO , Lottie-Animations , Axios , react-socketio-client
Server: Node, Express , MongoDB , JWT , Argon2 , Socket-IO , socketio-auth
- vinayak hiwse
- https://github.com/Vicky160898
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Frontend -
Backend -
`PORT` :- Ex 8080 `MONGODB_URL` :- Mongo DB Local OR Atlas URL `JWT_SECRET` : Secret Key For JWT
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at vinayakhiwse8@gmail.com