Technologies that I use in my everyday:

Complementary technologies:

🧡 About me:

👋 Hello! My name is Victor Palha, and I am a FullStack Developer with a degree in Computer Science. I've gained valuable experience working in companies and now I’m currently freelancing.
🧠 My journey in Web programming began in 2021, and since then, I’ve been driven by a passion for technology and innovation. My long-term goal is to grow professionally and eventually become a Senior Developer.
🧑‍💻 I work mainly with Javascript/Typescript, React, TailwindCSS, NodeJS, Prisma, Fastify, and Express.
🧑🏻 I believe in being respectful and polite, and I love engaging with new people. Let’s talk tech, games, or sports! Feel free to reach out.
💻 Check out my portfolio!

Contact me

