
Currency exchange rates for your laravel application

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Bring currency exchange rates to your Laravel application

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Via Composer

composer require victoravelar/geld

Getting started

Geld allows you to pull and store currency exchange rates using Fixer.io as source, it is highly configurable and it solely depends on your needs.


Set your Fixer.io API key as an environment variable for your project using FIXER_API_KEY as name.


To check the configuration options, please refer to config/geld.php where you will find the available options and a detailed explanation of the purpose of each one of them.

If you are ok with the defaults then you are good to go but if you desire to change something run php artisan vendor:publish and select GeldServiceProvider from the list.

The geld.php file will be published to the Laravel default config folder.

Setting up the scheduler

To be able to use Task Scheduling in laravel you need to start Cron in your server, you can follow the introduction of the related Laravel documentation for a detailed explanation.

Pulling the exchange rates

If you are using a free Fixer.io account, you have access to hourly updates and it is recommended to pull the rates as often as possible.

Copy and paste the following code into your app/Console/Kernel.php file to start pulling rates every hour.


This snippet instructs your Laravel application to pull the rates every hour 5 minutes past the hour.

The history table

This table will potentially become a huge information container (if enabled) as every hour it will pull new records from the API, the history table is meant to solve some problems when displaying or calculating entries performed on a certain day at a certain time or for use cases where having access to older rates for a currency is required.

If you only need the latest exchange rates then you can disable the history storage by setting the history_mode configuration variable to false.

Retention period

We ship a command that soft deletes records older than the defined retention period which you can change using the retention configuration variable.

To schedule the execution of this command copy and paste the following snippet in the app/Console/Kernel.php file.


Data incineration

When gone means gone

Geld also chips an incinerator, this command will hard delete the records older than the defined incineration period, you can control this time window using the incinerate_after configuration variable.

If you don't want to hard delete information from the history table, you can disable the incinerator by setting the incinerate configuration variable to false.

To schedule the execution of this command copy and paste the following snippet in the app/Console/Kernel.php file.



After every successful pull from Fixer.io, Geld will dispatch a RatesUpdated event that you can hook into.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email deltatuts@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.