
JSON-Based Form Generator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JSON-Based Form Generator


The JSON-Based Form Generator is a web application that allows users to create dynamic forms from JSON data. This project simplifies the process of form creation and customization by interpreting JSON structures and generating corresponding HTML forms.

Key Features

  1. JSON File Input: Users can upload a JSON file containing the form structure and data.

  2. Dynamic Form Generation: The application parses the uploaded JSON and dynamically generates a corresponding HTML form.

  3. Nested Form Fields: Supports nested form fields within expandable sections, creating a hierarchical structure.

  4. Customization: Users can edit and modify the generated form as needed, making it highly flexible for various use cases.

  5. Save Changes: After customization, users can save the form data as JSON.

How It Works

  1. Upload JSON: Users upload a JSON file that describes the form structure and fields.

  2. Form Generation: The application processes the JSON and generates a form, including expandable sections for nested data.

  3. Customization: Users can make changes to the form, such as labels, input types, and values.

  4. Save Form Data: After making changes, users have the option to save the modified form data as JSON.

Use Cases

  • Form Creation: Useful for generating forms for surveys, data collection, or any application requiring user input.

  • Configuration Tools: Ideal for creating configuration forms for various settings and preferences.

  • Data Entry: Simplifies the process of creating data entry forms for databases and applications.

Project Status

The JSON-Based Form Generator is currently under active development, with a focus on refining user experience, expanding customization options, and enhancing compatibility with various JSON structures. We welcome feedback and contributions from the community to make this tool even more versatile.

Empower your web applications with a seamless form generation process by utilizing the JSON-Based Form Generator. Simplify form creation and data collection while maintaining flexibility and customization.