Lattes CV to LaTeX Resume Converter

This project converts a Lattes CV (Brazilian academic curriculum) into a formatted LaTeX resume using the "Twenty One Seconds Resume/CV" template.

Project Structure

  • resume.tex: The LaTeX template for the resume. This file is provided as a starting point and will be populated with the extracted Lattes CV data.
  • twentyonesecondcv.cls: The custom LaTeX class file required for the "Twenty One Seconds Resume/CV" template. You need this file to compile the resume.
  • 2024_06_29_acf33ffb82555b8284bcg.tex: An alternative LaTeX file generated from the Lattes CV, likely using a different template.
  • Currículo do Sistema de Currículos Lattes (Victor Ribeiro Carreira).docx: The Lattes CV data in Microsoft Word format.
  • Currículo do Sistema de Currículos Lattes (Victor Ribeiro Carreira).md: The Lattes CV data in Markdown format.


  1. Obtain the Lattes CV Data:

    • Download the Lattes CV of the person you want to create a resume for, preferably in XML or JSON format. The provided .docx and .md files are for reference.
  2. Provide the Lattes CV Data:

    • You'll need to provide the structured Lattes CV data to an AI language model capable of processing it (like ChatGPT or a custom script).
  3. Populate "resume.tex":

    • The AI language model will map the data from the Lattes CV to the corresponding fields in the "resume.tex" template.
    • You will receive a modified "resume.tex" file containing Victor's CV information.
  4. Compile the LaTeX Resume:

    • Make sure you have a LaTeX distribution installed (like TeX Live or MikTeX).
    • Compile the "resume.tex" file using a LaTeX compiler (like XeLaTeX). This will generate a PDF resume.


  • Profile Picture: Replace "image.png" in \profilepic{image.png} with the filename of your profile picture.
  • Template Modifications: You can further customize the "resume.tex" template to suit your needs. Refer to the template's documentation for available options.


  • The success of the data mapping depends on the accuracy and structure of the extracted Lattes CV data.
  • You might need to manually adjust some parts of the generated "resume.tex" file for optimal formatting.


  • The "Twenty One Seconds Resume/CV" template is originally from and maintained by Alessandro Trinca Tornidor.
  • The Lattes CV data belongs to Victor Ribeiro Carreira.