hbunit Build Status

hbunit is a unit-testing framework for the Harbour language.

This is a initial work on porting the jUnit Java unit-testing framework to the Harbour languages, based on the xhUnit project.

Building and Testing

Considering you have Habour (http://harbour.github.io) installed, you can run the following commands to try hbunit.

To build the library and run the tests:

$> make
$> make test
Testcases:  7
Asserts:    29
Errors:     0
Failures:   0



If you wanna contribute to the project, follow this steps:

  • Fork this repository;
  • Create a branch to work on a feature/bug;
  • Open a Pull Request from your branch;

See https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/index.html for more details on this workflow.


See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE for more details. .

hbunit is a unit-testing framework for the Harbour language.

Copyright (C) 2019 Manuel Calero Solis

hbunit is a derivative work based on hbunit, whose Copyright follows.

Copyright (C) 2014 Enderson maia

hbunit is a derivative work based on xhUnit, whose Copyright follows.

xhUnit: A Testing Framework for xHarbour

Copyright (C) 2004-2013 dionisio c. olo (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xhunit/)