
Primary LanguagePHP

LCWO - Learn CW Online Code Repository

This is the source repository for Learn CW Online, a website to learn and practice Morse code in the browser. The official website of LCWO is https://lcwo.net/. The code can be found at https://git.fkurz.net/dj1yfk/lcwo

The code is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3.

Running LCWO

The fastest way to get a running instance of LCWO is by using Docker. There's a shell script called docker_start.sh which builds and runs the Docker image and fires up an instance of LCWO which you can reach at http://localhost:8000/. There's an user admin with the password admin.

On Ubuntu, install Docker and add your user to the docker group first:

sudo apt-get install docker.io    # unless you already installed docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER   # you must log out and in again to make this work

Then simply clone the repository and run the container:

git clone https://git.fkurz.net/dj1yfk/lcwo.git
cd lcwo

Note that this is mainly meant for development and testing purposes, to give you a fully working LCWO instance from scratch without any effort. For a deployment as a public website this may not be what you want.


Most configuration options are set in inc/definitions.php. A template is included in the official sources, which is also used for the Docker image.

If you want to change the configuration you could change this file directly, but the clean way of doing this is by copying this file to inc/definitions.custom.php. If this file is present, the default file will be ignored.


The database table schemata and contents needed to run LCWO are located in the directory db. Have a look at the Dockerfile on how to set up a minimum database that LCWO runs on.


How to read the code


Code Quality

The code quality of LCWO varies strongly between the different parts, from terrible spaghetti code to somewhat structured and modular. Refactoring needed.


LCWO was written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <fabian@fkurz.net>.

Thanks to the following authors for contributing code: