
A android app that allows to search translation of photo in online photo. Implemented using ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.

Implemented by Clean Architecture

The structure of this project consist of 3 layers:

  • Presentation
  • Domain
  • Data

Communication between layers

  1. UI calls method from ViewModel.
  2. ViewModel executes Use case.
  3. Use case gets data from Repository.
  4. Each Repository returns data from a Data Source (Cached or Remote).
  5. Information flows back to the UI where we display the list of photos.


At a glance:

  • Search photo by name
  • Get a list of Photo results, and display it.
  • In the Item of each Photo, showed Photo name.
  • When user taps on Photo, new page will be shown which includes details of photo.
  • Were Written test to cover one simple case.
  • Supported orientation change.

Third-party libraries

  • Retrofit2, OkHttp - for network calls.
  • RxJava - for reactive programming, multithreading.
  • Room - for persistent storage.
  • Hilt - for Dependency Injection.
  • Glide - for effective image loading and displaying.
  • Espresso - for Instrumented Tests.
  • Robolectric - for unit tests.