
This library is a set of simple wrapper classes that are aimed to help you easily create fancy material dialogs

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Lovely Dialogs

A flutter implementation of LovelyDialog.

This library is a set of simple wrapper classes that are aimed to help you easily create fancy material dialogs.

Demo App

App can be found here

Major Improvements

  • Supports gradients
  • Fully Dark mode support


In your pubspeck.yaml:

    sdk: flutter

  lovelydialogs: ^0.1.0

to grab lastest release.



import 'package:lovelydialogs/lovely_dialogs.dart';



Not acessible by default, but all other classes inherits from it. It holds the parameters of the base dialog, colors, etc. All of the dialog types can use the following parameters

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
context BuildContext context
title String The string that goes on the top
color Color color of the top BoxDecoration
gradient Gradient gradient of the top BoxDecoration
landscapeWidth double width of dialog when in landscape, portrait not affected
leading Widget widget on center of the top box
borderRadius Radius radius of the curved border, set to Radius(0) to disable
buttonsTextTheme ButtonTextTheme the style of the bottom buttons
touchDismissible bool can the skippable touching outside the dialog box
backDismissible bool can be skippable with back button


A LovelyInfoDialog aims to show short information to the user. The standard way to use a LovelyDialog is to declare

dialog = LovelyInfoDialog(
  context: context,
  title: 'Pets',
  leading: Icon(Icons.pets, color: Colors.white),
  gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.blue, Colors.green]),
  description: 'Pets are cool, aren\'t they? So don\'t forget to give food and love!',

and calling it later


or shortly

  context: context,
  title: 'Pets',
  description:'Pets are cool, aren\'t they? So don\'t forget to give food and love!',
  onConfirm: () => print("Dialog dismissed"),

if onConfirm function was not provided, confirm button will not appear

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
onConfirm Function() called on click of the confirm button, need to button to appear
description String text to inform the user about
confirmString String string placed in the flatbutton, if present


A dialog where you can toggle a series of options, provided a list of strings

  context: context,
  leading: Icon(Icons.fastfood, color: Colors.white),
  activeCheckColor: Colors.red,
  stringList: <String>[
  title: 'Order Some food',
  gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.orange, Colors.red]),
  onConfirm: (checked) => print(checked);
  onValueChanged: (value, index) => print(value.toString() + " " + index.toString()),

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
onValueChanged Function(bool,int) called when clicked on a Checkbox
onConfirm Function(List ) called on click of the confirm button, returns true in a index, if option was checked
stringList List the list of options
activeCheckColor Color the color to show that box was checked, theme accent by default
optionsFieldHeight double the height of options list container, limited by standard min and max values


A dialog to ask text input from the user

  context: context,
  title: 'Comment on @facebook',
  onConfirm: (text) => print('String entered was ' + text),
	onChange: (text) => print('Current string is ' + text),

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
onConfirm Function(String) called on click of the confirm button
onChange Function(String) called whenever the text changes
hintIcon Icon the icon in the textInput
hintText String the help string in the textInput
confirmString String string placed in the flatbutton


Just need to declare

  context: context,
  type: LovelyProgressType.Circular

and to change its value at runtime


Type is LovelyProgressType.Linear by default

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
type LovelyProgressType Linear or Circular
onFinish Function() function called when value gets to 1


Inherits directly from LovelyDialog base, allowing the use of a custom widget as the child

  gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.blue, Colors.pink]),
  context: context,
  child: Column(
    children: <Widget>[
      FlutterLogo(size: 200, style: FlutterLogoStyle.stacked, duration: Duration(seconds: 50)),
      SizedBox(height: 8,),

Parameter Table

Parameter Type Description
child Widget placeholder for content


  • ProgressDialog custom progressbar
  • InfoDialog add a "never show again"/"Acept the terms" button
  • Add SingleChoiceDialog
  • Animations on panel


  • Choice Dialog Nested Scroll issues