
Web Application for [089318] - Hypermedia Appliactions course - Politecnico di Milano

Primary LanguageHTML

Lectet web application - [089318] Hypermedia Applications course - Politecnico di Milano


  • npm version 6.7.0
  • Node.js version 11.10.1


git clone https://github.com/VictorJuez/lectet.git
cd lectet
npm install

In order to run the application:

npm start

Project Structure

Followed the Fractal - NodeJS app structure

    ├── app                     # Main app code (Back-end)
    │   ├── actions             # Business logic, DB calls
    │   ├── models              # Where data models are defined
    │   ├── orm                 # Database configuration and Sequelize (orm) definition
    │   ├── routes              # Routes to project entities
    │   ├── helpers             # Route helpers
    │   ├── public              # Main point for the Front-end
    │   ├── swagger.json        # Swagger documentation file
    │   └── server.js           # Server starting point
    └── docs                    # Documentation purpose

Links to the Application


  • Julian Cuellar
  • Arnab Dey
  • Víctor Juez