👋 Heyo!!! 👋

My name is Victor Li. Thanks for checking out my Github. Currently, I'm a 3rd year CS student in the AI stream at Carleton University.

💻 What I'm Focusing On 💻

Currently, I'm working with the Carleton Computer Science Society Dev team, where we create resources for CS students in Carleton to help them through their academics. I'm working on the resources: the CCSS website and the auto grader for the COMP 2404 class.

On top of this, I'm currently learning 🦀 Rust.

⚡ Fun Facts About Me ⚡

  • I like 🎧 listening to music, ♞ playing chess, ⚔ watching anime and 📖 reading manga!!!
  • I'm from 🌇 Toronto but moved to 🏛 Ottawa to study!
  • On sunny days, I like to go 🚣 kayaking and 🚴‍♂️ biking around Ottawa.

🌎 Find Me Elsewhere 🌎

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💬 "Live your life filled with oh-wells instead of what-ifs."