
A repository that include my journey of studies about the framework identity and entity from C#.

Primary LanguageC#

Web.APi with Entity Framework Core


This repository is a simple study project about the use of the framework Entity Framework Core to create a database and a web API. The database is about users and their addresses. The web API has the following endpoints: User/register (POST), User/login (POST), auth (GET)

How to use it

Fist of all, you need to install the .NET SDK, you can find it here. After that, you can clone this repository and run the projects in your IDE. I recommend using Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio Community. If you want to do this in Visual Studio Code, you can use the extension C# to run the projects.

The packages are already installed in the project, but if you want to install it again or see, you can see in the file Entity_Framework.csproj.

Installing the packages

Now, you need to create a database, you can do it using the command line or the NuGet Package Manager.

NuGet Package Manager

add-migration "Creating user"

Command line

dotnet ef migrations add "Creating user" --project .\Entity_Framework\

After that, you need to update the database, you can do it using the command line or the NuGet Package Manager.

NuGet Package Manager


Command line

dotnet ef database update --project .\Entity_Framework\

Now you need to set the connection string and the security key, you can do it using the command line.

dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:UsuarioConnection" "[ConnectionString]" --project .\Entity_Framework\
dotnet user-secrets set "SymmetricSecurityKey" "[token]" --project .\Entity_Framework\

Now you can run the project and test it using Postman or Insomnia using the endpoints described in the description.


  • .NET SDK
  • Entity Framework Core
  • ASP.NET Core
  • C#
  • SQL Server
  • Postman
  • Identity Framework Core