
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Banka Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals. This app is meant to support a single bank, where users can signup and create bank accounts online, but must visit the branch to withdraw or deposit money..

Features Implemented

  1. User can sign up.
  2. User can sign in.
  3. Admin can fetch a specific user account.
  4. User can upload a profile photo.
  5. User can create a bank account.
  6. Admin/staff can fetch a specific bank account.
  7. Admin/staff can activate or deactivate a bank account.
  8. User can retrieve his/her account balance.
  9. Staff can credit an account.
  10. Staff can debit an account.
  11. Admin/staff can delete a bank account.


UI Templates for this application are live on Github Pages

Technologies Used

  • Node.js - A runtime environment based off of Chromes's V8 Engine for writing Javascript server-side applications.
  • Express.js - Web application framework based on Node.js.
  • ESLint - A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
  • Airbnb style guide was followed.

Testing Tools

  • Mocha - A JavaScript test framework.
  • Chai - A test assertion library for JavaScript.
  • Supertest - A module that provides high-level abstraction for HTTP testing.

API Information

The API endpoints are hosted on Heroku - Banka

POST Sign Up api/v1/auth/signup
POST Sign In api/v1/auth/signin
GET Fetch a specific user account api/v1/users/:id
POST Upload profile photo api/v1/users/:id/profilephotos
POST Create a bank account api/v1/accounts
GET Fetch a specific bank account api/v1/accounts/:acccountNumber
PATCH Activate or Deactivate bank account api/v1/accounts/:acccountNumber
GET Check account balance api/v1/accounts/:acccountNumber/balance
POST Credit account api/v1/transactions/:acccountNumber/credit
POST Debit account api/v1/transactions/:acccountNumber/debit
DELETE Delete bank account api/v1/accounts/:acccountNumber
Sign Up firstName, lastName, email, password
Sign In email, password
Upload profile photo profilePhoto
Create bank account firstName, lastName, owner, email, type, openingBalance
Credit account cashier, amount, remark
Debit cashier, amount, remark

amount and openingBalance should be in two decimal places e.g 200.50

The Endpoints can be accessed remotely or locally.

Accessing the endpoints remotely via POSTMAN

You will need to have POSTMAN app installed on your computer.

Sign In
  1. Launch POSTMAN
  2. Click the dropdown menu to the left of the URL bar and select POST as a method.
  3. To access the Sign In endpoint, at the end of Banka's URL attach the sign in endpoint to it as seen in step 4
  4. https://hibanka.herokuapp.com/api/v1/auth/signin
  5. Then paste the full URL in the URL bar.
  6. Click 'Body' tab below the URL, then select x-www-form-urlencoded radio button.
  7. Fill in the required fields correctly.
  8. Click the blue Send button to the right of the URL bar.
  9. And wait for a response below.


Upload profile photo endpoint uses form-data instead of x-www-form-urlencoded

Accessing the endpoints locally via POSTMAN

  1. On the terminal of your computer, navigate into the cloned repo's folder
  2. Click npm and Node.js to get npm and node respectively.
  3. Clone Banka repo https://github.com/VictorMaria/Banka.git on your local machine.
  4. Run $ npm install to install All of Banka's dependencies.
  5. Run $ npm start to power up the server.
  6. The procedure for using POSTMAN here is the same as when accessing the endpoint remotely except that you make use of http://localhost:3000 as the full URL's prefix in place of the app's URL on heroku e.g To access Sign In endpoint you will have a full URL like http://localhost:3000/api/v1/auth/signin


You can locally run the test by running npm test in the cloned repo directory opened in a new terminal window while the server runs on the first window. It is important that the server is running for the tests to pass.


Victor Ajayi (VictorMaria)