
Fullstack application with React, Node.js and MYSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fullstack application

This project consists in a fullstack application made it with React, Node.js and MySQL.

  • React for the front-end
  • Node.js for the back-end
  • MySQL for the database


  • Command Console Program (Git Bash or CMD)
  • Node installed
  • Npm(server) and Yarn(react-app)
  • Database Management System (Xampp)
  • Code Editor (Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text)

Technologies Used

  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Express.js cli - Command line tool that generates an express project structure preconfigured with most commonly used packages
  • Tailwind - A utility-first CSS framework
  • Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps
  • React Router Dom - Allows your application to navigate between different components
  • Redux Saga - An intuitive Redux side effect manager
  • React Icons - Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons
  • Node - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
  • NPM - Node package manager
  • Yarn - Package manager that doubles down as project manager.

How to Run the Application

  • Download the file from github:
git clone https://github.com/VictorRamirez18/fullstack-app.git
  • Create a dabatabase named Electrom, using a Database Management System (Xampp)

  • Import the files users, products and buys, inside of the database Electrom (If you don´t know who to do it, here is a Youtube Video that explains it)

  • Open the console in server folder

cd server/
  • In the console run npm install to install all the dependencies of server app
npm install
  • In the console run npm start
npm start
  • Open another window console in the react-app folder
cd react-app/
  • Run yarn install to install all the dependencies from react-app
yarn install
  • Run yarn start to run the react application
yarn start



Normal User Logged in User
See products X X
Buy products X
Create products X
Update products X
Delete products X
See historial buys X

Buy products

  • You need to signin to buy products
  • In the Home Page, click the product that you want to buy (this will redirect you to a view of the individual product)
  • Select the amount of products that you want
  • Click the button Buy


  • If you are logged in, you can buy products
  • If you are logged in, you can see the admin and buys options in the navbar
  • If you want to logged in, in the login component write... JohnDoe@gmail.com in the user input ckz in the password input

Create a product

  • Go to admin option in the navbar
  • Fill the formulary and click the button Create

Update a product

  • Go to admin option in the navbar
  • Click the product that you want to update of the table
  • Modify the formulary and click the button Update

Delete a product

  • Go to admin option in the navbar
  • Click the product that you want to delete of the table
  • Click Yes or No button of the modal according to your intention

See history of buys

  • Go to buys option in the navbar


  • Click the login component
  • Click the button Close Session
  • Click the button Yes or No of the modal according to your intention