
A WPF Application indie horror game, featuring 12 levels, 3 unique bosses, and 5 different endings. My first development project!

Primary LanguageC#

The Monster Slayer

My first project! before i actually learned OOP programming and had no experience. So code looks messy and etc.. I am still proud of the result of this game as a first project!


I do not own any art and music and sound effects that were used in this project.

Before Running

  • The game contains jumpscares and is indeed scary, if you have health problems, consider not playing.

  • For the best experience use headphones and play at night, alone :)

  • Programmed to run on a screen of at least 1080:1920 size (regular) smaller size might break the game

  • The game is made to be hard to complete on porpuse, if you have hard time checking the game you can use the 'M' button (it skips levels), to use it you need to click m, and before you get to the desired level walk to it and do not use 'M', take a note that you can use it how many times you want until you walk into your desired level, if you use this cheat again it will crash the game, also it will bug the sound, only use this feature if you have a really hard time!

  • Game has 6 endings, will you find them all?

  • SOUND ALRERT, the game is very noisy!!


screen size of at least 1920×1080, smaller than this might break the game (yes i know... as i said this was my first project 😅 )

Game Lore (Spoilers)

Main character went insane, he's going trough a proccess of fighting his monsters and bosses,who are people from his real life like his mom, psychaitrist and a police officer. His insanity makes him see people as monsters and has the option to decide to kill them or not, if he decides to kill he will get one of the bad endings because he is totally insane and is trapped in his own world. after killing all the bosses he gets to an endless void of himself, when the player gets there he has 2 options, think that its an endless loop and exit the game, or keep trying to go to the next level for 5 times and then reach the true ending, which is an illusion of a perfect world,when in reality he killed everyone who tried to help him.

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