
Supe easy bash script to make security copies of the DataBase

Primary LanguageShell


Super easey script to make security copies of DB. This verision is inspired by this article.

The script will delete all the back-ups after 30 days.

How to install

  1. Clone repo
  2. Create a MySQL user with only read permissions over the data base you want to backup
  3. Add the DB info to your script
  4. Execute permissions to your sciprt: sudo chmod +x backup_script.sh
  5. Test with sh backup_script.sh
  6. Add the CRON Job to your user

Example of DB comands:

  1. Create a backup account: create user 'backup'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY password 'password';
  2. Grant permissions to the database you want to copyp: GRANT LOCK TABLES, SELECT, SHOW VIEW, EVENT ON database.* TO 'backup'@'localhost';