Welcome to VictorSesma.com frontend React Repository

This App is what you see when entering to the website VictorSesma.com It is built using react as front-end part.

How to start the app

If is the first time you are starting the project clone the repo, install npm and then: npm install If you have already isntalled it it should work with only: npm start

How to Deploy

Note I have followed this article to manage versions and cache: https://dev.to/flexdinesh/cache-busting-a-react-app-22lk

  1. Install npm and nodejs
  2. Clone the repository (for example: git clone git@github.com:leviatan89/victorsesma.com.git)
  3. npm install to download all the npm dependencies
  4. Use any of these to commit:
    npm version patch — for releases with only bug fixes
    npm version minor — for releases with new features w/ or w/o bug fixes
    npm version major — for major releases or breaking features
  1. git push --tags to update the tags.
  2. Run npm run build
  3. Copy all the files under build to your static web server

How to run audits

To update and fix library issues run: npm audit fix