###Welcome to our Module 3 Assignment at YOOBEE.

##Project: This is a Behance portfolio of the designers working for a design firm called DesignHub.


  1. Go to Github and fork this repository using this link: "https://github.com/Design-Hub/Behance-App"
  2. Install NPM modules to your computer.
  3. Open your command prompt and run the command "npm run dev"
  4. Click on each design category to view designers working for DesignHub.
  5. Follow readme files for each component.
  6. The "contact" button will lead you to a blank page, it is purely used as a design element and was not required as part of the client proposal.
  7. The DesignHub logo will lead you back to the home page.

Contributors: Mike Hopping, Jay Abey, Victor Yang.