for rules and guide (reference)

Player will play against the dealer.
Dealer gets two card; one is visible to player, the other is not.
Player has the same.2 - 10 have their face value, J, Q, K have 10A has 1 (bonus question, can bear 11)
Each round, player / dealer will be asked to deal the card (to have one more card)
the total of cards point should not exceed 21.If exceed 21, then game over.
Player can stop asking for cards. Whoever gets closest to 21, wins.

for logic

for process

1. try to use unicode to represent on the card object
2. try to use array for exercising the array method

reference unicode
const cardSet1 = {
A1: '&#127137',
A2: '&#127138',
A3: '&#127139',
A4: '&#127140',
A5: '&#127141',
A6: '&#127142',
A7: '&#127143',
A8: '&#127144',
A9: '&#127145',
AA: '&#127146',
AB: '&#127147',
AC: '&#127149',
AD: '&#127150',

// create ramdom number between 37-50 except 38
const generateRandomCard = function (min = 37, max = 50) {
// find diff
let difference = max - min;
// generate random number
let range = Math.random();
// multiply with difference
range = Math.floor(range \* difference);
// add with min value
range = range + min;
// except the number of 38 because it is not card unicode;
if (range === 38) {
return generateRandom();
} else {
return range;