
A version of MiniSat capable of producing very verbose traces and some simple analysis tools.

There are presently two main directories

  • minisat/ contains the modified version of MiniSat 2.2.0 and associated tools. Note that this was based off of the version from on the MiniSat website, which is approximately what competed in Sat-RACE 2010. Some more changes have been made to the version hosted on GitHub at

  • bench/ contains some very simple DIMACS-format CNF instances for testing

Getting started

MiniSat with trace generation

First compile MiniSat just as you would the normal version of MiniSat

cd minisat
export MROOT=$(pwd)
cd core  # It doesn't with the preprocessing wrapper yet
make rs

This produces a statically linked executable named minisat_static with aggressive compiler optimization, assertions turned off, and no debug symbols. You may prefer to use the build target d instead of rs if you would prefer a less optimized executable including assertions suitable for use with gdb. The resulting executable will be named minisat_debug.

Note: Some recent versions of g++ with support for C++11 are throwing some warnings. I haven't bothered making the necessary changes to silence these warnings as I occasionally examined the diff between the version of MiniSat in this repo and the original MiniSat 2.2.0 source, in order to check that I haven't introduced changes to solver behavior. I have prefered to keep this diff relatively clean.

As of right now, conflict clause minimization is still off by default as described in the report, but I believe there is no good reason for this and if somebody were to run more experiments, you might as well change the default value back to deep minimization.

Now you can run MiniSat on CNF instances and get trace files. For example:

./minisat_static ../../bench/simple/easy-sat.cnf easy-sat.trace
./minisat_static ../../bench/simple/three.cnf three.trace

easy-sat.cnf is satisfiable, while three.cnf is unsatisfiable. The resulting .trace file format is described in the report appendix.

You may be interested to try:

./minisat_static --help

If running MiniSat on a more challenging instance, the trace will be very large! Do not place the output file in a location corresponding to a NFS or otherwise synchronized over a network, as then MiniSat's performance will likely be limited by the available network bandwidth. Even worse, if you are running MiniSat on a server you are remotely connected to, MiniSat might eat up all the available network bandwidth and make connecting to the server or performing any further operations difficult until it has finished running the instance and writing out the trace file!

Analysis tool

The tool for parsing and analyzing the trace files generated by MiniSat are in the minisat/analysis/ subdirectory. In that subdirectory, is the main file of interest. The build system borrows from the MiniSat build system, so to compile this file simply execute make rs or make d to generate the executable named analyze_static or analyze_debug, respectively.

The resulting executable very simply takes the input trace file as its first argument and the output file as a second argument. The output file will contain a single line with numbers separated by commas. It is intended that these output files can be concatenated to produce a single CSV file with data from the analysis of many instances. The columns are the trace filepath, number of events, critical events, skippable events, branches, critical branches, skippable branches, implications, critical implications, and skippable implications.

You can also use the build target run-simple to generate all the trace files associated with running MiniSat on all the benchmarks in bench/simple/, and use the build target analyze-simple to analyze all those traces and produce corresponding CSV files. That is, inside the minisat/analysis/ subdirectory, run the commands:

make run-simple
make analyze-simple