Prototype Platform


  • Run npm run setup to install the packages.
  • Run npm run dev to launch the development environment, with hot reload
  • Run npm run build to build the packages for production


Client ReadMe for more details on the client Server ReadMe for more details on the server

Environment variables

A .env.development is required for development, and a .env.production is required for production. These are to be saved in the same folder as .env.example.

Commit guidelines

  • Remove any console.log, they should only be used for debugging
  • Run tests locally
  • Run build locally

Update guidelines

Run npm update on client and server to update packages PATCH & MINOR versions. Run npm outdated to determine if there are any MAJOR package changes. These usually have breaking changes so should be done one by one, particulary for the main dependencies. To update a specific package to the latest MAJOR version run npm i packagename@versionnumber, e.g to update react from 15 to 16 run npm i react@16.8.0