
This HTML & CSS Capstone Project is based on an online shop for electronics. Following the design of ZATTIX I created a simple website for technology lovers.

Primary LanguageHTML


For this project, I build an online shop using HTML & CSS. the project is completely repsonsive, mobile view is visible under 768px, tablet view is visible under 992px and laptop/desktop is visible above 992px, there are 2 pages, the first one being the home page and the second being the search result page Which will open after clicking the search button. This HTML & CSS Capstone Project is based on an online shop for electronics. Following the desing of ZATTIX (by Mohammed Awad).


This web page is developed by HTML5, SCSSS and Bootstrap.

Built With

  • HTML5,
  • CSS,
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Stylelint and stickler for linting purpose,
  • html-validator-cli for validate HTML

Live Demo


Video Link


Getting Started

Install on Your Own Machine. You can skip the linter and HTML validetors setup if you don't want to validate the code

Setup your machine setup


All the prerequisites are optional

  • Git
  • HTML validator
  • CSS Linters



Optional Go to the project directory on your terminal and run npm install to install the HTML validator and CSS linters


Go to the project directory and run open the index.html file on your browser.


👤 Victor Manuel Gonzalez Buitrago

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.