
This is an app that we built at Frauenloop using Python, Flask and unittest

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to my sample banking app

I built this as part of my Frauenloop course on backend development back in 2019. It is simple but still something of great pride to me.

Getting it running

First of all, set up a virtual environment using your tool of choice.

You can simply create and activate a virtual environment so:

# create virutal environment (if bank is the name you want to give to your virtual environment):

~/your_workspace$ python3 -m venv bank

# activate virutal env
~/your_workspace$ source bank/bin/activate

# The environment name in brackets to the left of your workspace indicates the environment is active
(bank) ~/your_workspace$

Easy peasy. Now you can install all the necessary libraries to get the project running...

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you have the Python environment ready, you can set up flask in the following way:

(bank) ~/your_workspace$ export FLASK_APP=run
(bank) ~/your_workspace$ export FLASK_ENV=development

# Run flask
(bank) ~/your_workspace$ flask run

Once your app is running successfully, you should be able to access it on your browser at:

Fun Fact:

If you don't want to set the environment variables manually every time, it's worth looking into python-dotenv (just be sure not to commit anything private to the repo ;))

Testing the endpoints

Though you can use the browser, I used postman to test the different http requests. This way it is much easier to swap between different methods.

For example if you are using POST method to create a new user, you would enter the url:

Then enter a json body (for example)...

    "name": "Maya",
    "address": "North Street, Glasgow"
    "pin": "9876",

...which would add a new user by the name of "Maya" in your database. An id will be automatically created for you.

You can download and learn more about postman here https://www.postman.com/

Testing the app

I use unittest to test the app. You can run them with the following command within the project directory:

python3 -m unittest bankapp/tests/*.py

If you wish to run a single test file you can simply replace *.py with the name of the file. For example:

python3 -m unittest bankapp/tests/test_user.py